
Introducing the Fun of Basketball to Queensland's Youngest Stars
QHoops is an introduction to basketball program for 2–5-year-olds as a new initiative in collaboration with the Queensland Government to increase participation opportunities across Queensland.
How it works
Discover how to get involved in the QHoops program
Program details
The QHoops hubs are 35-minute sessions that incorporate basketball skills such as dribbling, shooting and passing into fun games. They are designed to introduce young kids to basketball and help them build their foundational skills and passion for basketball. In 2025 there will be four QHoops hubs held across SEQ, one hub per school term and a new association each term. Each hub is a 6-week program, one training session each week, all of which will run on the same day and same time each week within the hub.
Want to join QHoops?
To get involved, click the link below to recieve information on upcoming 2025 QHoops hubs and registration details, or email Indigo Thompson on community@basketballqld.net.au.
Frequently asked questions
Where will the QHoops hubs be in 2025?
For more information or details about QHoops, please contact BQ’s Community Coordinator, Indigo Thompson, via community@basketballqld.net.au
Can I drop my child off at the session and come back when it is finished?
No, parents must stay with their children at the session and will be encouraged to get involved where permitting.
Does my child need to bring a basketball?
No, a Size 3 basketball will be provided for them to use and take home to practice their skills with.
Need a bit more information?
Want to learn more about QHoops? Get in contact with BQ's Community Coordinator, Indigo Thompson, via community@basketballqld.net.au.
Indigenous Pathways Program
Promoting and delivering a range of culturally inclusive sport and physical activities throughout Queensland.

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Ivor Burge
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